3 January 02008

Looking for examples of social networking for professional development

I'm copying here something I've just added to the OpenRSA blog, relating to some work I'm doing in collaboration with Seb Schmoller:

I'm looking for examples of organisations (or looser affiliations of individuals) who are using social software for professional development. Does anyone have any suggestions that I could follow up?

By social software I mean social networks (e.g. Facebook, Ning), blogs, wikis, shared bookmarks etc. And professional development can mean many things, but I'm mostly interesting in enhancing intrinsic job-specific skills on the one hand and broader scouting of collaborative/entrepreneurial opportunities on the other. The organisations could be membership-based, employers, educators or just self-organising networks.

The selfish part of this is that it relates to some work I'm doing for the National College for School Leadership, who are interested in extending the way they use social software with their constituency of school leaders. I'm happy to feed back the lessons from any leads that anyone gives me and share them with readers of this blog. Look forward to hearing from you if you can recommend any suitable examples (with contact details if possible). Our immediate deadline is 18th January, but happy to continue the discussion beyond then…

Any suggestions welcome, either via comments here, or private communication.

Posted by David Jennings in section(s) E-learning, Social Software, Teaching on 3 January 02008 | TrackBack

I'm looking for the same thing. Did you ever find anything?

Try http://www.citeulike.org/user/pigironjoe/article/3833308

And http://elearningtech.blogspot.com/2010/03/twitter-for-learning-55-great-articles.html

Let me know if you find any more

Posted by: Tristram Hooley on 24 March 02010 at 9:48 PM

Thanks for the links, Tristram, and I've sent you (by private email - let me know if it hasn't arrived) a document with some of the case studies we wrote up. I can't make this publicly available, I'm afraid.

Posted by: David Jennings on 25 March 02010 at 8:51 PM
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